Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2497 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 50 of 50 pages (2497 entries).

Surname Given Name(s)sort ascending Year County Mine Cause
MacLean Alex 1937 Pictou County Acadia No. 7 (Moss mine) Fall of coal
Bigney or Bignay Alex 1908 or 1909 Cumberland Springhill No. 3 Fall of stone
Young Alex 1949 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Haulage
Moroletto Albino 1932 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 24 Blood poisoning (possibly cut underground)
Grant Albert or Arthur 1899 Cape Breton County Caledonia Afterdamp from methane explosion; 1 of 11 killed
Snow Albert Joseph 1936 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Run over by trip
Chipman Albert 1943 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Coal tank platform tilted, threw man down shaft; 1 of 4 killed being lifted in coal shaft
Fraser Albert 1890 Pictou County Black Diamond Riding on a coal trip which jumped track
Walzak Albert 1923 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Fall of stone from roof in pillar work
Vacheresse Albert 1932 Pictou County McGregor Fall of coal
White Albert 1958 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Terrific, devastating bump
Smith Albert 1919 Cape Breton County Florence, on surface Burnt at boiler doors, died 7 days later
Weatherbee Albert 1937 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Caught between rake and door
Wilkowski Albert 1912 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Taking box off cage, caught between box and rib
Cauffery Albert 1912 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 15 Premature shot
Cicchetto Albert 1911 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 14 Fall of stone
Hall Albert 1979 Cape Breton County DEVCO No. 26 Methane explosion, sparked by coal shearer hitting stone; 1 of 12 killed
Moss Albert 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Dorando Albert 1943 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Struck by runaway box
Rogers Albert 1918 Pictou County Allan Shaft Devastating methane explosion
Brown Albert 1960 Cape Breton County Princess Fall of stone
Tighe Alan 1979 Cape Breton County Lingan Accident at a trip at a landing underground
Boone Adrian 1934 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Found dead on haulageway
McIntyre Adrian 1950 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Haulage
Dollimont Adonis Joseph 1992 Pictou County Westray Devastating methane and coal dust explosion
Trente Adam 1915 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 9 Killed by falling boom
Davidson Adam 1908 Cumberland Springhill No. 3 Fell into chute
Guy Abraham 1873 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Devastating methane explosion
Hennessy Abraham 1935 Pictou County Allan Shaft Shot blew back exploding methane and coal dust; 1 of 7 killed
Gallop Abe 1934 Cape Breton County Princess Fall of stone
Barrett Abe 1915 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 9 Fall of stone
LeBlanc Abbey 1958 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Terrific, devastating bump
Ferguson A.T. 1914 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1 Killed by a box
McDonald A. R. 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
MacDonald A. R. 1911 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Fell in front of a trip of coal
McDonald A. J. 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Fall of coal
MacKenzie A. D. 1890 Pictou County Vale Roof fall in Six-Foot Seam
McGilderick A. 1871 Pictou County Foord pit Methane explosion
McLellan A. 1870 Cape Breton County Sydney Mines Colliery (Queen pit) Run over by loconotive
Perris or Paris A. 1905 Pictou County Allan Shaft Fell when staging broke in shaft as they were sinking it
Powelle (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Ladime (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Lamby (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Lambyi (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Burkett "young" 1880 Pictou County Foord pit Devastating methane explosion
Merlin John G. 1922 Cumberland Springhill No. 3 Caught between pump and upright timber
Child 1908 Cape Breton County Caledonia Polish child, age 2; killed by cars on the surface
