Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2497 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 50 of 50 pages (2497 entries).

Surname Given Name(s) Year County Minesort descending Cause
McIsaac Dougald 1939 Inverness Inverness Jammed; died 2 days later
Beaumeister Otto 1914 Inverness Inverness Fall of coal
Gillis Dan A. 1908 Inverness Inverness Fall of coal and rock in pillars
Ross Angus 1913 Inverness Inverness Stepped in front of moving balance box
MacLean Duncan 1907 Inverness Inverness See D.A. McLean, 1908, possibly a duplicate
McKinnon Dan 1937 Inverness Inverness Struck by runaway box
Gillis Simon D. 1920 Inverness Inverness Fall of rock
Jones Harry 1908 Inverness Inverness Fall of stone and coal, No 7 balance, No 5 E level
Chisholm William 1925 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Killed by runaway box
Copan Louis 1923 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Killed by trip of mine cars
McDonald or MacDonald Neil 1923 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Struck head against roof or boom
Dixon Alex 1943 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of stone
McDonnell Dan 1927 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of coal
McNeil John 1927 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Crushed by full boxes of coal
LeBlanc Joseph 1923 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Found dead in boiler room; may have fallen
McDougall Daniel 1924 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of stone; 1 of 4 killed
McIsaac Neil 1924 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of stone; 1 of 4 killed
McIsaac Archibald A. 1924 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of stone; 1 of 4 killed
McIsaac Daniel C. 1924 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of stone; 1 of 4 killed
MacDougall Peter 1934 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Gas explosion
MacDougall Hugh G. or Hugh C. 1934 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of coal
Cameron Archie 1927 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Fall of coal
Quigley James 1943 Inverness Inverness No. 3 Crushed between engine drum and rope
MacKinnon Angus 1945 Inverness Inverness No. 3 Fall of stone
McKinnon Daniel S. 1945 Inverness Inverness No. 3 Fall of stone
McDonald Saunders 1940 Inverness inverness No. 4 Struck by runaway box
Quigley Thomas 1906 Inverness Mabou Jammed between box and pillar
Cameron J.J. 1903 Inverness Mabou Caught by box on slope
Watts Alexander 1878 Inverness Port Hood Explosion of steam boiler; 1 of 2 killed
Ladime (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Lamby (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Lambyi (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Merritt John 1903 Inverness Port Hood Riding trip coupling broke hurling boxes against roof
Powelle (Bulgarian) Unknown 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Gillies Angus 1878 Inverness Port Hood Explosion of steam boiler; 1 of 2 killed
McIsaac Daniel A. or Danile 1936 Inverness Port Hood Killed by file shot
Beaton Malcolm 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
McKenzie William 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Gillis Lauchlin 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Shea James 1867 Inverness Port Hood Crushed by machinery
McDonald A. R. 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Campbell John 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
McDonald D. R. 1908 Inverness Port Hood Explosion on No. 3 level south; 1 of 10 killed
Walsh William 1905 Inverness Port Hood Hit by boom sliding down slope while timbering
Fraser John Clarence 1938 Inverness Port Hood or Henderson Fall of stone
McDonald Allan 1922 Cumberland No.9 ? (may be Glace Bay) Fall of stone
McMasters Earl J. 1969 Cumberland Springhill, Syndicate Mine or Springhill No. 1 Struck by empty trip
