Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2497 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 8 of 50 pages (2497 entries).

Surname Given Name(s) Yearsort ascending County Mine Cause
Lorimer Harold 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Bump; 1 of 5 killed
Gilroy Russell A. 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Fall of stone; 1 of 3 killed
Knowlton Everett 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Fall of stone; 1 of 3 killed
White Leo 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Fall of stone; 1 of 3 killed
Fraser Grant 1954 Pictou County McBean victim found in No. 5 level
Cathcart Lionel 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Haulage, surface
O'Handley Malcolm 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Gas asphixiation; 1 of 2 killed
McLellan Donald 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Gas asphixiation; 1 of 2 killed
Jamieson Kenneth 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Fall of stone
Michalik Joseph 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Haulage
Mackie Thomas 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 25 Fall of stone; 1 of 2 killed
Bell Thomas 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2, #1 seam Killed by haulage
Nicholson Thomas N. 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2, #1 seam Killed by haulage
Welch Clarence 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2, #1 seam Killed by haulage
Casey James W. 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Killed by haulage
Davis Douglas 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Bump; 1 of 2 killed
Paul Charles E. 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Bump; 1 of 2 killed
Ross Thomas 1953 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Killed by haulage
MacKay John 1953 Pictou County McGregor Haulage accident: thrown from trip
Cottenden William J. 1953 Cumberland Springhill (Cumberland Railway & Coal) Electricity, on surface
Geddes James 1953 Pictou County McBean Haulage accident
Williams Clarie 1953 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Fall of sotne
McGillivray John 1953 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Haulage
Sampson William 1953 Cape Breton County Florence Haulage
MacLean John 1953 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 18 Haulage
Gower Frederick 1953 Cape Breton County Beaver Fall of stone
Canning William G. 1952 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Found dead in mine
Hachey Archibald J. 1952 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Killed by haulage
McLeod William 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Campbell Samuel Sr. 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Nelson Vernon V. 1952 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Fall of stone
Terris William R. 1952 Pictou County McGregor Killed by haulage
Skelton or Skilton Hollis T. 1952 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Fall of stone
Wright James 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Carpenter Thomas 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Hayman Archibald 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Cunningham Robert 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Russell David 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
McDonald Donald 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Fall of stone
McNutt Robert 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
McDonald Wilfred 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 18 Haulage, surface
Arthrell Edward 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Mailman John 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Blake William 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Methane explosion; 1 of 7 killed
Bonar William 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Methane explosion; 1 of 7 killed
Sample Winton 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Desmond William 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Methane explosion; 1 of 7 killed
Gabriel Patrick 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Methane explosion; 1 of 7 killed
Nearing Joseph 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Gould John 1952 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Methane explosion; 1 of 7 killed
