Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2497 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 21 of 50 pages (2497 entries).

Surname Given Name(s) Year County Minesort ascending Cause
Carpenter Thomas 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Wheatley Leonard 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Nearing Joseph 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
White Brenton 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
MacCallum Edward 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Cunningham Robert 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Hayman Wilbert 1921 Pictou County McGregor Fall of coal
McLeod William 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Hayman Archibald 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Reid William 1929 Pictou County McGregor Struck on head by falling jackhammer; died 5 weeks later
Munroe Alex W. 1942 Pictou County McGregor Hit by a trip
Nicholson Bain 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Wilsack John 1949 Pictou County McGregor Fall of coal
Morgan Delbert 1951 Pictou County McGregor Killed by fall of coal or stone from rib
Munsie William 1943 Pictou County McGregor Crushed between a box and a steel boom
Vacheresse Albert 1932 Pictou County McGregor Fall of coal
Dudka Andrew 1950 Pictou County McGregor Struck by a haulage rope
MacKay John 1953 Pictou County McGregor Haulage accident: thrown from trip
Mailman John 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
Russell David 1952 Pictou County McGregor Methane explosion (localized); 1 of 19 killed
MacDougall Anthony 1872 Cape Breton County Lorway Crushed by cage
Campbell Gregory 1948 Cape Breton County Lloyds No. 7 Machinery
Shanahan James 1882 Cape Breton County Little Glace Bay Fall of stone from roof
Campbell Peter 1894 Cape Breton County Little Glace Bay Caught by full tub against pillar
Ryan Alexander 1873 Cape Breton County Lingan Fall of coal
Cameron Alexander 1978 Cape Breton County Lingan Fall of stone
MacDougall Alphonse 1982 Cape Breton County Lingan Heart Attack
MacDonald Murdock 1877 Cape Breton County Lingan Explosion of boiler; 1 of 3 killed
Hall Edward 1879 Cape Breton County Lingan Empty horse wagon ran away
Tighe Alan 1979 Cape Breton County Lingan Accident at a trip at a landing underground
McNamara William 1877 Cape Breton County Lingan Explosion of boiler; 1 of 3 killed
Nearing John 1877 Cape Breton County Lingan Explosion of boiler; 1 of 3 killed
Hoyt Henry 1866 Cape Breton County Lingan Fall of coal
Kelly Thomas 1984 Cape Breton County Lingan Heart Attack
Campbell Patrick 1867 Cape Breton County Lingan Explosion of methane
Power Lewis 1985 Cape Breton County Lingan Crushed
McLeod Thomas 1867 Cape Breton County Lingan Fall of stone
White Morris 1867 Cape Breton County Lingan Explosion of methane
Gallant Sheldon 1988 Cape Breton County Lingan Hit on head
LeBlanc Daniel 1976 Cape Breton County Lingan Struck by a material trip
Banville Patrick 1981 Cape Breton County Lingan Heart Attack
Dixon William 1918 Cape Breton County Jubilee, Sydney Mines Runaway trip
Flemming Edward 1922 Cape Breton County Jubilee, Sydney Mines Found dead with radial coalcutter resting on body
Neal George 1921 Cape Breton County Jubilee, Sydney Mines Fall down shaft
Whalen Matthew 1922 Cape Breton County Jubilee, lower seam, Sydney Mines Fall of stone from roof
MacKeigan John 1922 Cape Breton County Jubilee, River Hebert Fall of roof stone in level, died 21 days later
Long William 1901 or 1902 Cumberland Jubilee, River Hebert Bankhead under construction fell on him
Ackles Charles 1909 Cumberland Jubilee, River Hebert Killed by runaway box
Luckman John 1870 Cape Breton County International Crushed by cage
Fortune James 1894 Cape Breton County International Full trip on deep road
