Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2497 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 31 of 50 pages (2497 entries).

Surname Given Name(s)sort descending Year County Mine Cause
McDonald john J. 1927 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 22 Struck by trip
MacLean John J. 1966 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Haulage: Hit by an empty trip
MacLean John J. 1929 Pictou County Allan Shaft Electrocuted, fell onto live cable in pump room
Johnson John J. 1880 Pictou County Foord pit Devastating methane explosion
Laffin John J. 1905 Cape Breton County Reserve Fall of coal from face
McDonald John J. 1891 Cumberland Springhill No. 1 & No. 2 Gas and coal dust explosion
McElvie John Jr 1873 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Devastating methane explosion
McNeal John Jr. 1873 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Devastating methane explosion
Fear John L. 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Bump; 1 of 5 killed
Richards John M. 1921 Cape Breton County Scotia No. 4 Slipped and fell on travelling road; accident Jan. 4, died Jan. 24.
McNeil John M. 1914 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Fall of coal at face
Blue John M. 1903 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Caught under descending cage
Baudoux John maybe George 1930 Pictou County Albion (Purvis slope) Riding an empty trip that derailed; killed by falling timbers and stone
Reid John N. 1923 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 6 Accidental dynamite explosion
McNeil John P. 1906 Cape Breton County Sydney Mines (Princess) Killed by runaway box grab slipping off rope
Halloran John Philip 1992 Pictou County Westray Devastating methane and coal dust explosion
Ferguson John R. 1927 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Kicked by a horse
Whalen John R. 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Methane and blasting powder explosion
Murphy John R. 1914 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Fall of stone at face
MacDonald John Robert 1958 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Fall of stone
Taylor John S. 1935 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Struck by trip
McElvie John Sr 1873 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Devastating methane explosion
Cullen John Sr. 1934 Pictou County Albion Fall of coal
Elliott John T 1873 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Devastating methane explosion
Witstanley John T. 1920 Cape Breton County Florence Fall of coal
MacDonald John T. 1951 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Fall in shaft
Bates John Thomas 1992 Pictou County Westray Devastating methane and coal dust explosion
Holloway John Thomas 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Electricity
Haley John V. 1931 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Caught between car and timber
Snow John W. 1921 Cape Breton County Florence Fall of coal
Cameron John W. 1946 Pictou County Albion Struck by coal trip on main slope
Sweeney John W. 1924 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Fall of stone
Scott John W. 1905 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Killed by trip on turnout
Ryan John W. 1903 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Fatally injured
McKay John w. 1905 Cape Breton County Sydney Mines Colliery; Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Killed by riding on a trip
Saccrey John W. 1915 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 9 Fall of roof
Burney John W. 1901 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Killed by fall of top coal and stone
Gouthro John W. 1942 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Struck by trip
Fraser John Walter 1885 Pictou County Vale Devastating methane explosion
Beaton John William 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Killed by haulage
McMullin John William 1945 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 18 Fall of stone
McDonald John Y. 1902 Cape Breton County Caledonia Fall of coal from face
Doyle John, Jr. 1899 Cape Breton County Caledonia Afterdamp from methane explosion; 1 of 11 killed
Doyle John, Sr. 1899 Cape Breton County Caledonia Afterdamp from methane explosion; 1 of 11 killed
McLellan Joseph 1900 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1 Roof stone fell on him while driving
Debodt Joseph 1918 Pictou County Allan Shaft Devastating methane explosion
Hennessey Joseph 1911 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 10 Fall of stone, leg injured
Campbell Joseph 1961 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Mechanical
Toomey Joseph 1918 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Caught by full box
Orell Joseph 1931 Cape Breton County Princess Fall of stone
