Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2497 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 38 of 50 pages (2497 entries).

Surname Given Name(s) Year Countysort ascending Mine Cause
Durham Thomas 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Methane and blasting powder explosion
McKay John D. 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Methane and blasting powder explosion
Parsons William 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Methane and blasting powder explosion
McDonald D. W. C. 1918 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1 Fall of stone
Donnelly Robert 1918 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 10 Fall of stone
Boutilier Angus 1920 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Fall of roof
Turner Alfred 1921 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Struck by horse; in falling pick stabbed abdomen
MacKeigan John 1922 Cape Breton County Jubilee, River Hebert Fall of roof stone in level, died 21 days later
Killoway George W. 1923 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 24 Fall of roof stone hile clearing up fall
Tobin Michael 1924 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Between full box and timber
Boutilier Arthur 1925 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Fall of stone
Bennett Henry 1926 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Falling boom
Clark Josiah 1927 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 24 Fall of stone
Rose James 1928 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Fall of stone
Guyaux George 1929 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Fall of stone
McCumiskey Owen 1930 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Struck by trip
Orell Joseph 1931 Cape Breton County Princess Fall of stone
Arsenault Arsene 1932 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 14 Caught between trip and prop
Perry Moses 1933 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 10 Fall of stone
Gallop Abe 1934 Cape Breton County Princess Fall of stone
McWhirter George 1935 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 10 Fall of stone
Vine Charles 1937 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Fall of coal
Eveley Walter 1937 Cape Breton County Princess Struck by runaway trip; 1 of 3 killed
MacDonald William J. 1938 Cape Breton County Princess Broken cable on riding rake; 1 of 21 killed
MacLeod Melvin 1938 Cape Breton County Princess Broken cable on riding rake; 1 of 21 killed
Yakubaski John 1940 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Fractured ankle, infection and shock, died 27 days later
McLean Henry 1941 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Fall of stone
Woodland Herbert 1942 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Struck by trip
Woodfine Solomon 1943 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 14 Gas asphixiation; 1 of 2 killed
MacLeod Duncan 1944 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 4 Fall of stone
Halliday Charles 1945 Cape Breton County Princess Struck by rake
Griffiths Wallace 1946 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Bump (more than 2 miles offshore); 1 of 4 killed
Goldie Peter 1948 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Haulage
Rose John 1949 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Fall of stone
Balog Gustav 1951 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Fall of stone
Williams Clarie 1953 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Fall of sotne
Holloway John Thomas 1954 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Electricity
Collin Robert 1955 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Fall of stone
Aucoin Dan F. 1957 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Haulage
Tobie or Tobin Frank 1958 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Fall of stone
Capstick John 1960 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Fall of stone
MacDonald Harold 1962 Cape Breton County Princess Haulage
White Malcolm 1965 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Fall of stone; 1 of 2 killed
King Michael 1968 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Haulage: Caught between rail and box when motor trip struck standing boxes
Wallace James 1970 Cape Breton County Princess Wash Plant, Surface Squeezed in a chain conveyor
Cooke William 1979 Cape Breton County DEVCO No. 26 Methane explosion, sparked by coal shearer hitting stone; 1 of 12 killed
Boazan Ronald 1983 Cape Breton County DEVCO No. 26 Crushed
McLellan A. 1870 Cape Breton County Sydney Mines Colliery (Queen pit) Run over by loconotive
McNamara William 1877 Cape Breton County Lingan Explosion of boiler; 1 of 3 killed
Boutilier W. 1879 Cape Breton County Reserve Taking down coal loosened by shot
