Coal Mining Fatalities

This database contains 2498 known Nova Scotia coal mining fatalities. Names, dates, places, mines, and causes of death have been painstakingly compiled. Despite this, it is by no means a complete list. Fatalities occurred before records were kept; descriptions of incidents and those involved were lost along with coal company records. Official recording of multiple deaths may have missed some names; in some cases, names are misspelled. However, this is likely the most complete list that exists. Please contact us if you know names to add.

Displaying page 9 of 50 pages (2498 entries).

Surnamesort descending Given Name(s) Year County Mine Cause
Clarke or Clark Ernest 1913 Cumberland Springhill No. 3 Fell off box
Clements Freeman 1912 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Fall of coal
Coady Peter 1923 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Struck by trip near surface on main slope
Cobert James 1946 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Haulage
Cochrane William L. 1946 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Killed by mine machinery
Coffin Louis 1949 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 1B Haulage
Colburn William 1910 Pictou County Albion Fall of coal
Cole Eugene 1960 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 26 Fall of stone
Cole Cecil 1958 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Terrific, devastating bump
Coleman John H. 1908 or 1909 Cumberland Joggins Suffocated by smoke
Coleman Peter 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Methane and blasting powder explosion
Colin Francis 1878 Pictou County Acadia Run over by pit tub
Collier Alfred 1923 Cape Breton County Bras d'Or No. 4 Fall of coal from roof in room
Collin Andrew 1873 Pictou County Drummond mine (Intercolonial) Devastating methane explosion
Collin Robert 1955 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Fall of stone
Collins Mathew 1891 Cumberland Springhill No. 1 & No. 2 Gas and coal dust explosion
Collins ingraham 1917 Cape Breton County Florence Fall of stone
Collins William 1943 Cape Breton County Princess Crushed under trip
Collogani Redolph 1913 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Jammed between boxes
Comhaire or Comhair Henri 1917 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 12 Methane and blasting powder explosion
Conn James 1839 Pictou County Storr pit Methane explosion; 1 of 2 killed
Conn Leo 1932 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 11 Fall of stone
Connell Frank 1914 Pictou County Albion Fall of coal
Connolly C. 1880 Pictou County Vale Burned by gas ignited by his open-flame lamp
Connors Thomas 1942 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Fall of stone
Connors John 1910 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2 Run over by motor, died a few hours after
Connorton John 1891 Cumberland Springhill No. 1 & No. 2 Gas and coal dust explosion
Conran Andrew 1960 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Fall of stone
Conway James D. 1880 Pictou County Foord pit influx of water; 1 of 6 killed
Conway Isaac 1914 Pictou County Albion Fall of top coal
Conway David 1938 Pictou County Allan Shaft Run over by a shunting engine on surface
Conway James 1950 Pictou County Albion Fall of coal
Conway Wayne Michael 1992 Pictou County Westray Devastating methane and coal dust explosion
Conway James 1891 Cumberland Springhill No. 1 & No. 2 Gas and coal dust explosion
Conway John 1868 Cape Breton County Aspe Bay Explosion of powder
Cook James I 1914 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 7 Fall of stone
Cook Robert 1881 Cape Breton County Sydney Mines (Princess?) Riding on Engine plane
Cooke H. A. 1905 Pictou County Allan Shaft Fell when staging broke in shaft as they were sinking it
Cooke William 1979 Cape Breton County DEVCO No. 26 Methane explosion, sparked by coal shearer hitting stone; 1 of 12 killed
Cooper Arthur 1931 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 2, Surface Run over by car in colliery yard
Copan John 1947 Pictou County Allan Shaft Caught by a haulage cable
Copan Louis 1923 Inverness Inverness No. 1 Killed by trip of mine cars
Cope William A. 1922 Cumberland Victoria Caught between roof and car on slope, died 30 days later
Copeland James E. 1954 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Bump; 1 of 5 killed
Copely David 1918 Cape Breton County Scotia (Sydney Mines) Fall of stone
Copley Samuel 1948 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 20 Machinery
Corbett Angus 1936 Cape Breton County Dominion No. 16 Caught in conveyor belt
Corkin Thomas A. 1944 Cumberland Springhill No. 4 Fall of stone
Corkum Clyde 1958 Cumberland Springhill No. 2 Terrific, devastating bump
Cormier John 1907 Cumberland Chignecto Caught between car and bankhead
